Building upon the successful administration of the Wroxton Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians, Amanda Riley working from Crystal Chambers, in partnership with Lord Norton, will now provide bespoke certificated training courses with regard to Legislative Drafting.

Crystal Chambers with locations in London, Manchester, Lincoln, and soon to be Dubai, will provide a team of direct access Barristers with full litigation rights who are experienced with all aspects of Legislative Drafting.

Our Legislative Drafting courses which will be delivered around the world to various Parliaments and Government Institutions, have been built around guidelines laid out by the UK Office of the Parliamentary Counsel (OPC).






CRYSTAL CHAMBERS will prepare and deliver individual and bespoke legislative drafting training programmes around the world, with all courses built and designed specifically for the needs of the client


The importance of good legislative drafting cannot be underestimated, and time spent thinking and planning before anything is drafted is very seldom wasted. Generally, in most countries, Parliamentary time available for legislation is extremely limited, and any delays due to badly drafted legislation needs to be avoided.

Our comprehensive training courses have been prepared by experts in the field of legislative drafting, and each course we prepare will not only emphasis the essential components of good drafting, but also deliver drafting techniques that are necessary, clear, coherent, effective, and accessible

For further information or a quotation on our legislative drafting training courses, please fill out the form with your name and email details, along with a short message regarding your organisation and drafting needs.

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Course Objectives

  • To lay the building blocks of good legislative drafting
  • To examine project planning & timetabling implications
  • Drafting techniques & consultation
  • To gain experience in analysing legislative proposals, and identify any inconsistencies or flaws
  • To identify policy options
  • To draft a document considering, Syntax, Vocabulary, Gender Neutrality, Numbers & Dates, and Headings
  • To be able to incorporate, Overviews, Clauses, Definitions, Citations, Amendments, Statutory Corporations
  • To analyse Periods of Time, Subordinate Legislation, and Final Provisions



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MOBILE: 44 (0) 7789642806